Citizens Advice SORT Group joins roundtable with Andy Burnham to discuss the cost of living crisis and digital exclusion

26th April 2022

Stuart Pearson, Head of Business Delivery at Citizens Advice SORT Group attends roundtable with the Mayor to discuss the cost of living crisis and digital exclusion. 

Joined by senior leaders from telecoms companies, Good Things, Manchester City Council, Age UK and Greater Manchester Housing , the meeting built upon the momentum of Connected North in Manchester, to explore how the UK’s telecommunications industry can collectively commit to address digital poverty

nationally through sustainable market solutions and best practice ways of working.

The group discussed different approaches to maintain and increase digital participation and inclusion in Greater Manchester, and how services can work collectively to support people to participate digitally, particularly for those facing increased disadvantage and living in poverty.


Stuart Pearson, Head of Business Delivery at Citizens Advice SORT Group said:

 We were able to bring valuable data and insight showing the scale of the cost of living crisis on people in Greater Manchester, and the effects of digital poverty on people in our communities. We speak to people who are unable to access digital devices or have had to cancel broadband and phone contracts as they can’t afford to pay for them.

Social tariffs are a really good offer for those on a low income- Citizens Advice campaigned for their creation-  but take up is low, many people just aren’t aware of them, and they need to be much easier to access.

As the leading advice service, it’s really important that we are part of these discussions, and part of the solution to address digital poverty in GM”



Key contact information:

Hayley Wright, Communications & Engagement Manager -



Hayley Wright